This Video requires a password to watch: Please enter ” IMLIN2023 ” in the password box

To watch the  Everything About LMIA” CPD Video, please click HERE

Note: The video will be valid until April 20, 2024. Please watch it before the end of the validity date. This video will not be available after the expiry date.


How to report your CPD hours   

Please note; in order to claim your CPD hours, please follow CICC CPD procedure :
  • CPD reporting cycle: July 1 to June 30 of the following year (12 months)
  • You MUST complete the CPD Attestation Form and upload it when completing your Annual Renewal through the YM online portal
  • June 30: Deadline to complete the Annual Renewal and submit the CPD Attestation Form each year.

CPD submissions made via email or mail will not be accepted

CPD audits
Your CPD submission may be audited at any time between July 1 and June 30 of the following year. If you are selected for an audit, CICC will notify you by email.
You will be required to provide documentation to the College: CICC will include further details in the email.
Please use the following instruction to fill in the CPD Attestation Form for this CPD course:

Activity Date:
  • If you participated in the webinar: April 20, 2023
  • If you have watched the video: Date you have watched the video

Activity Title: “Everything About LMIA”

Subject Matter: Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)

Activity Type:
  • If you have participated in the webinar: Online Live Session
  • If you have watched the video: Video Recording of Live Session

CPD Provider: IMLIN

CPD Hours: 3

Please note it is your responsibility to watch the CPD video prior to its expiry date to earn CPD hours toward your CPD obligation. You may find the expiry date of each video on IMLIN CPD Courses webpage or on CICC Upcoming CPD Events

Note: The video will be valid until April 20, 2024. Please watch it before the end of the validity date. This video will not be available after the expiry date.

For 2022-2023, CPD/PD hours must be completed and reported from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023.

Thank you for your participation. If you have any question(s), please feel free to write us a note and send it to 


Starting April 2023, the Temporary Foreign Worker Program is transitioning to online LMIA applications.

Videos to help in using the LMIA Online Portal

The following videos provide guidance on how to use the LMIA Online Portal:

Video: Introduction to the LMIA Online Portal

Video: Logging into the LMIA Online Portal

Video: Starting the LMIA application in the LMIA Online Portal

Video: Viewing the decision letter in the LMIA Online Portal

LMIA Applications

LMIA Online – Pilot with Job Bank

What employer can do in the LMIA Online Portal

Once an employer has a Job Bank account created, they will be able to do the following in the LMIA Online Portal:

  • submit an LMIA application 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • complete or return to an LMIA application before submitting it to Service Canada
  • upload supporting documents
  • securely pay LMIA fees, if applicable
  • get real-time updates on the status of the application
  • view correspondence and decision letters issued by Service Canada
  • review previously submitted applications
  • access and follow the status of the application when a third-party representative is submitting an LMIA application on the employer’s behalf
  • create a new LMIA application by copying the information from a previous application
  • access TFWP system experts for assistance with technical problems

Job Offer:

Schedule D – Skilled Trades Job Offer – Employer #2 (EMP5595)

Request to add or remove a Foreign National’s name:


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